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The war on parents continues, but parents are fighting back and winning.

UNESCO and the Michigan Democrat Party joined former Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and the creator of the 1619 Project in asserting parents should have no say in what their children are taught in school.

High schools in Fairfax, Virginia are forcing students to play ‘privilege bingo’ even though the new Governor banned “inherently divisive concepts” from public schools.  You are considered ‘privileged’ if you are white, male, Christian, etc.  Is this schooling or indoctrination?  You decide.

Parents got shoved aside in more places.  An elementary school in Oregon is encouraging 4th and 5th graders to join a Queer club without parental consent.   The NIH funded a study that, without parental consent, paid 13-year-olds to report their gay sexual encounters.  Chicago schools are telling students to hide their transgender pronouns from parents.  California Democrats want to vaccinate 12-year-olds for COVID without parental consent.  A Florida appeals court let a 17-year-old get an abortion without parental knowledge or consent even though Florida law requires parental consent for girls under 18.  A school in Denver is teaching kindergarteners and first-graders to “disrupt the nuclear family” and support Black Lives Matter which, in case you don’t know, wants to destroy the family, entirely.

More stories about pornography in schools came to light.  The Loudon County school board in Virginia got an earful from parents reading from objectionable materials schools made available to their kids, including one book that talked about needing sex – “Sometimes, a girl just needs a big…” well, you know.  The Florida Citizens Alliance put together a comprehensive report detailing the contents of 58 objectionable texts being made available to students in violation of state law.  I scanned the report and I will tell you the materials are downright shocking, which begs the question what are they doing in schools at all.  Is this is what schools are for?  Apparently so, according to Democrats in the Virginia Senate.  They believe the state has an inherent right to expose children to pornographic materials without parental consent.  They dismissthe idea schools should have to obtain permission from parents before giving students sexually explicit material.  One Democrat said kids were going to get the material somehow, anyway.  What a stupid argument.  Maybe they will, but this doesn’t answer the question of why schools should be shoving it at them.  Is this what our tax dollars are for?   I don’t think so.

To which I say, keep fighting, parents, this and other battles are winnable.  A dozen school districts in Texas removedpornography and books about sexual identity.  The Virginia Department of Education scrapped a Woke math program critics said incorporated critical race theory.   A California mom sued her school district for badgering her daughter to become transgender and instructing the girl to hide it from her parents.  Stephen Miller’s legal group put out a guide informing parents on how to assert their rights to see what their children are being taught in school.   Republican legislators have filed 122 bills to ban CRT from schools in 33 states in the last year.  If you want to fight but don’t know where to start, Parents Defending Education has lots of resources on its website.

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