Iowans For Tax Relief 1

REP. HEIN: Law forcing gas stations to offer E-15 gas moves

In the third week of this General Assembly, we really hit the ground running working on the Governor’s proposal bills. Our main focus this...

SEN. ZAUN: Cutting Your Taxes

The major issue item this week was the release of the Senate tax relief proposal. During the first week of session Senate leaders spoke...

Rep. Steckman, defender of sexually explicit books in school libraries, announces...

This week I made the official announcement that I would be running for re-election to the Iowa House of Representatives in 2022.  I am...

University of Iowa Health Care puts Feb. 13 deadline on staff...

University of Iowa Health Care is requiring staff to document their vaccination or document their exemption in order to meet the CMS COVID-19 health...

LETTER: GOP legislators told us they could not make laws mandating...

Dear Republicans of the Iowa Legislature, I thought for sure I was reading it wrong but right there it is - the Iowa legislature MANDATING...

FASCIST NEWSPAPER: Rep. Jacobsen exposes Daily Nonpareil’s censorship

Iowa State Rep. Jon Jacobsen spoke at length Wednesday evening about censorship happening by his local newspaper -- the Council Bluffs Daily Nonpareil. And...

YAY OR NAY: Bill would allow high schools to offer elective...

Senate File 2136 was introduced this week by Senators Dennis Guth, Jeff Taylor, Jesse Green and Craig Johnson. The bill directs the Iowa Board...

REP. HOLT: A Unique & Innovative Vision: Iowa’s Taxpayer Relief Fund

Every state has some version of a rainy-day fund.  A small number of states have funds that address property tax issues. But only Iowa...

SEN. WHITVER: Flatten the income tax, then eliminate it

Are you ready for a future without state income taxes? This week, our Iowa Senate Republican Caucus unveiled our bold plan to free Iowans from...

REP. WILBURN: New Ames Superintendent’s experience in Chicago makes him ‘exciting...

This was the third week of the 2022 legislative session. This week, the Iowa Recycling Association and the Iowa Society of Solid Waste Operations...