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Iowa House Democrats have followed the lies of the education lobbyists when it comes to the proposed bill to expand transparency and school choice for Iowa parents. They continually refer to the proposed Education Savings Accounts as vouchers, refusing to acknowledge ESAs and vouchers are two different things.

So it shouldn’t be a huge surprise that they’re also willing to lie about testimony provided at an Iowa House subcommittee on the same bill.

Here is an excerpt from Rep. Art Staed’s newsletter, which unsurprisingly was labeled “school voucher debate continues in Iowa House…”

“During a subcommittee hearing on Tuesday, the bill was met with strong opposition from students, parents, teachers and school leaders.”

Really? Because there was not one single student who spoke at the meeting in opposition to the bill.

Not one.

And that’s according to Staed’s Democrat colleague – Rep. Traci Ehlert – who served on the subcommittee.

“They had a lot of people that actually use, or at some point used a public school and then diverted away from it. And then we had mostly lobbyist side. Not that’s good, bad or otherwise, but it was interesting to see the division in um, who was speaking. We didn’t have any public school student…speak and we didn’t really have parents speak.”

Weird. Because according to Staed, there was “strong opposition from students and parents.”

Yet according to Ehlert, who served on the subcommittee, there weren’t any public school students there and they “didn’t really have parents speak.”

So, yes, in reality, there was strong opposition from the education lobby that represents public education institutions — institutions, mind you, not students.

You know, the same people who praise the public school system but will tell you in their next breath how if Iowa parents have a choice it will kill the public school system. It makes no sense for anyone educated because if the public schools are as great as the public education lobby says they are, nobody would leave.

Democrats, education institution loyalists and the mainstream media certainly do not want parents and Iowa students to have choice and an avenue out of the indoctrination centers many Iowa public schools have become — so they’re willing to lie and bend the truth about the bill.


Author: Jacob Hall


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