LIAR, LIAR: Ames superintendent Risner doubles down on lie during Iowa House Government Oversight hearing about BLM Week of Action

Ames superintendent Jenny Risner doubled down on a lie the district is peddling. Republican Rep. Holly Brink questioned Risner why a book the district provided said that of the 30 people who spoke at a board meeting on the Black Lives Matter Week of Action at School, only three were listed as speaking against the plan.

“I have eight, there might’ve been more, that actually said they were against it,” Brink said. “You said there was three, I have proof of eight that showed up against. That concerns me in general. You reported something that’s false. Parents should probably know that.”

At that point, Risner is seen laughing.

“Ma’m I don’t appreciate the laughing actually because it’s a serious matter,” Brink said.

“It wasn’t a laugh, it was incorrect. You have incorrect information,” Risner said. “We as a district should have an opportunity to address that. If they didn’t speak, we didn’t know they were opposed. We said the people who spoke.”

But the district still has the video of the meeting available on YouTube. Judge for yourself whether it sounds like three people spoke out opposing the activities or if there were more.

For the record, if you don’t have the time to listen to the following video, there was a mom, an immigrant parent, a pastor, two more moms, a father, another mother who expresses nerves about speaking out against the curriculum, a gentleman named Travis and a father named Eric.

This begs the question, were Ames administrators even listening to the public input? How on earth could they misrepresent the number of individuals who spoke against the curriculum when it was relatively obvious?

Then, the audacity to tell a state representative that they have wrong information when in reality it was the Ames district that lied and misrepresented the number of people who expressed opposition to the curriculum.

We’ll have more on the hearing later today or later this week.

But this moment alone should be painfully embarrassing for Risner as well as the district she represents.

(Note: An individual named Amy Erica Smith can be heard saying her name, but she did NOT speak out on the curriculum — it was simply a recording issue)

Author: Jacob Hall


  1. Superintendent Risner versus decency.They craft those lies because there is no consequences associated with them. They are smug and arrogant in their lies because of all the people that believe them for importunity. It is their modus operandi.

  2. To the democrat numbers matter, the maddening crowd rules. By fiat of majority, lies become the ruling “facts”. Republicans rule by virtue of a constitutional republic and moral laws.


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